viernes, 15 de abril de 2011


Este jueves Flow dono mas de 8 cajas de perchas y 50 cajas de carton para la campañana solidaria del Hospital Infantil.

Me enorgullece FLOW!!!!!


Con la idea de profundizar conceptos y darle un sentido propio que albergue muchas de las charlas que venimos manteniendo, quería ofrecer una interpretación gráfica de la frase que acompaña el título TEAM, que intente acercarse al concepto FLOW que intentamos desarrollar, con una pequeña reflexión.



En la decimonovena edicion del ciclo reuniones "FLOW - 2011" - se le hizo mencion de honor a Sebastian Diaz  de Flow In Action por su frase celebre........
"LOS TIPOS (refiriendose a los ingenieros) SON MUY ESCRUCTURADOS" y manitos haciendo forma de casilleros......

Buena Sebaaaa el creativo!!!!!

Si se labura!!! Porcentajes y estimaciones en Complot-Corotti

Pregunta: ¿¿¿Cuando Laburan Ustedes????

Asadito reflexivo!!! Comimos una costillita y un vacio de ensueño y Tratamos temas como economia global, comparamos Argentina y el mundo, nuestros objetivos y roles en la vida, y el mundo que le debemos dejar a nuestros hijos.
Que Tal??
Para cerrar una semana de cambios en la Unidad Básica
Muy Buen Finde Para Todos

jueves, 14 de abril de 2011


"Un equipo mediocre puede malograr un proyecto brillante en los papeles, pero un gran equipo puede construir un excelente negocio sobre un proyecto aparentemente no tan espectacular"

martes, 12 de abril de 2011

El que no suma, Resta!!!!!!

Some men see things as they are and ask why.Others dream things that never were and ask why not.George Bernard Shaw

Entrepreneurship is an Art not a Job
For the sake of this analogy, think of two types of artists: composers and performers (think music composeversus members of the orchestra, playwright versus actor etc.)
Founders fit the definition of a composer: they see something no one else does. And to help them create it from nothing, they surround themselves with world-class performers. This concept of creating something that few others see – and the reality distortion field necessary to recruit the team to build it – is at the heart of what startup founders do. It is a very different skill than science, engineering, or management

Entrepreneurial employees are the talented performers who hear the siren song of a founder’s vision. Joining a startup while it is still searching for a business model, they too see the promise of what can be and join the founder to bring the vision to life.

Founders then put in play every skill which makes them unique – tenacity, passion, agility, rapid pivots, curiosity, learning and discovery, improvisation, ability to bring order out of chaos, resilience, leadership, a reality distortion field, and a relentless focus on execution – to lead the relentless process of refining their vision and making it a reality

Both founders and entrepreneurial employees prefer to build something from the ground up rather than join an existing company. Like jazz musicians or improv actors, they prefer to operate in a chaotic environment with multiple unknowns. They sense the general direction they’re headed in, OK with uncertainty and surprises, using the tools at hand, along with their instinct to achieve their vision. These types of people are rare, unique and crazy. They’re artists.

  • Founders fit the definition of an artist: they see – and create– something that no one else does
  • To help them move their vision to reality, they surround themselves with world-class performers
  • Founders and entrepreneurial employees prefer operating in a chaotic environment with multiple unknowns
  • These type of people are rare, unique and crazy
  • Not everyone is an artist

viernes, 1 de abril de 2011

Comienzo de nuestro blog

Hoy iniciamos nuestro blog!!!!  deseo que se convierta en  un reflejo de nuestras experiencias y proyectos. Y que mejor forma de comenzarlo que festejando con un asadito by Julio...
Abrazo a todos
Buen finde